Articles of general interest and on geology written by the authors that appeared in the Kingman Daily Miner newspaper and other publications.

Now I lay me down to sleep
Looing for a place to camp while backpacking in the Sierra Nevada.

Webbing, not just for ducks
Green webbing for people use, blue for vehicles, 8mm rope and carabineers.

Gold is where you find it.
Placer gold with nuggets of up to 1/2 ounce from the Meadview area, Arizona.

Distress Signaling
The universally recognized distress signal is three of anything; gunshots, yells, fires, etc.

Defensive hiking
Hiking should be a relaxing activity, enjoying the out-of-doors, communing with nature and good exercise.

Tying down gear and the prusik-loop
Prusik Loops, store bought on left, homemade on right.

Focus on the sights, sounds and smells of nature
Focus on what’s important and don’t be distracted. You’ll enjoy the out-of-doors and it might just save your life.

Should I stay or should I go?
If you become lost, stuck or whatever, do you stay put or do you try to walk out to get help? This is a question many who become lost have to grapple with.