Navigation & Maps
Stay oriented in the Ozarks.
Understanding UTM is not hard.
Narrated version of How Not to Become Lost in the SW Deserts.
Staying Safe in the Outdoors
What you need to know to survive summer in the desert.
What we should learn from mistakes
Getting a group of vehicles from one place to another safely.
What you should carry in your vehicle in the event of an emergency.
Emergency Situations, what do you do?
Off-road driving basics
Introduction to abandoned mine safety.
Let’s start a hike the right way.
Swift water know-how
Basics of reading the water in a flash flood situation.
Man tracking is a useful skill for the outdoors person.
Add to your man-tracking skills.
Man tracking
Vehicle tracking
A search usually starts with looking for a vehicle.
Basic Helicopter Safety.
As a hiker/4-wheeler or anyone in a wilderness setting, you might be involved in a helicopter rescue. Knowing the basic safety rules is critical for everyone’s safety. Know what to do and what NOT to do.
Basic helicopter safety.
Wilderness First Aid
Would you know what to do at an MCI?